Great Skua

Scientific name : Stercorarius skua
Other names: Български: Скуа , Brezhoneg: Sparfell-vor vras , Català: Paràsit gros , Česky: Chaluha velká , Dansk: Storkjove , Deutsch: Skua , Esperanto: Granda rabmevo , Español: Escúa común , Basque: Marikoi handi , Suomi: Isokihu , Français: Grand Labbe , Magyar: Nagy halfarkas , Lietuviškai: Didysis plėšikas , Nederlands: Grote Jager , Norsk (nynorsk): Storjo , Norsk: Storjo , Polski: Wydrzyk wielki , Português: Gaivota rapineira grande , Русский: Большой поморник , Svenska: Storlabb , Türkçe: Büyük korsan martı , Українська: Поморник великий

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Short Description

Skuas are the biggest of the skuas and have a brown mottled appearing plumage that can appear downright increased with age by whitish feather edges ragged. On the head is a dark brown cap and the short tail is dark ...


Great Skua
Great Skua
Great Skua
Great Skua
Great Skua
Great Skua
Great Skua
Great Skua


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