Spotted Redshank

Scientific name : Tringa erythropus
Other names: Български: Голям червенокрак водобегач , Brezhoneg: Strelleg du , Català: Gamba roja pintada , Česky: Vodouš tmavý , Dansk: Sortklire , Deutsch: Dunkler Wasserläufer , Esperanto: Malhela tringo , Español: Archibebe Oscuro , Basque: Bernagorri ilun , Suomi: Mustaviklo , Français: Chevalier arlequin , Magyar: Füstös cankó , Italiano: Totano moro , 日本語: ツルシギ , Lietuviškai: Tamsusis tilvikas , Latviešu: Tumšā tilbīte , Nederlands: Zwarte ruiter (vogel) , Norsk: Sotsnipe , Polski: Brodziec śniady , Português: Perna-vermelha-escuro , Русский: Щёголь (птица) , Svenska: Svartsnäppa , Türkçe: Kara kızılbacak

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Short Description

In breeding plumage, the Spotted Redshank has dark red legs and a black body plumage with a white oval back plumage. In the non-breeding plumage the back stone gray and there is a white stripe above the eyes. Young birds ...


Patrick L\'HOIR
Spotted Redshank
Spotted Redshank
Spotted Redshank
Spotted Redshank
Spotted Redshank
Spotted Redshank
Spotted Redshank
Spotted Redshank
Spotted Redshank
Spotted Redshank
Spotted Redshank


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