Chinese Arborvitae

Scientific name : Platycladus orientalis
Other names: Dansk: Livstræ , Deutsch: Lebensbaum (Morgenländischer) , Español: Tuya oriental , Français: Thuya de Chine , Italiano: Tuia orientale , 日本語: コノテガシワ , 한국어: 측백나무 , Português: Tuia-da-china , Slovensky: Tujovec východný , Türkçe: Doğu mazısı

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Short Description

Wintergreen, up to 30 m high but usually much shorter tree, crown slim, cone-shaped and with steeply upward pointed branches, often multi-stemmed starting from the ground and hence with several crests; trunk up to 0.5 m in diameter. Twigs flattened, ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


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