White Oak

Scientific name : Quercus alba
Other names: Dansk: Hvid-Eg , Deutsch: Weiß-Eiche , Español: Roble blanco Americano , Suomi: Rinnevalkotammi , Français: Chêne blanc , Italiano: Quercia bianca , Português: Carvalho branco , Русский: Дуб белый , Slovensky: Dub biely , Türkçe: Ak meşe

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Short Description

Deciduous, up to 30 m high, wide-crowned tree; Periderm thick, initially bright grey (eponymous characteristic), later darker, longish furrowed, comes off in scaly tiles; Leaves relatively slim, up to more than 20 cm long, at the base narrow wedge-shaped, pointed ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


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