Tulip Tree

Scientific name : Liriodendron tulipifera
Other names: Deutsch: Tulpenbaum , Esperanto: Tulipa liriodendro , Español: Tulipífero de Virginia , Suomi: Tulppaanipuu , Français: Tulipier de Virginie , Italiano: Tulipifero, Tulipifero , Lietuviškai: Gelsvažiedis tulpmedis , Português: Árvore Tulip , Slovensky: Ľaliovník tulipánokvetý , Svenska: Tulpanträd , Türkçe: Amerika lale ağacı

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Short Description

Deciduous, up to 40 m high tree with large, dense crown, bark grey to brownish, on older specimens peridermal with regular net-like pattern, Leaves alternate, 10-12 cm long stalked, lamina 10-15 cm long and 12-20 cm wide, usually divided in ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


Tulip Tree
Tulip Tree
Tulip Tree
Tulip Tree
Tulip Tree
Tulip Tree
Tulip Tree


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