Yarrow (Common)

Scientific name : Achillea millefolium
Other names: Azərbaycanca: Adi boymadərən , Български: Бял равнец , Bosanski: Hajdučka trava , Català: Milfulles , Česky: Řebříček obecný , Dansk: Almindelig Røllike , Deutsch: Scharfgabe (Gemeine) , Español: Milenrama , Eesti: Harilik raudrohi , Suomi: Siankärsämö , Français: Achillée millefeuille , Magyar: Közönséges cickafark , Íslenska: Vallhumall , Italiano: Achillea millefoglie , 日本語: セイヨウノコギリソウ , Lietuviškai: Paprastoji kraujažolė , Latviešu: Parastais pelašķis , Nederlands: Duizendblad , Norsk (nynorsk): Ryllik , Norsk: Ryllik , Polski: Krwawnik pospolity , Português: Milefólio , Română: Coada șoricelului , Русский: Тысячелистник обыкновенный , Slovensky: Rebríček obyčajný , Slovenščina: Navadni rman , Svenska: Röllika , Türkçe: Civanperçemi

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Short Description

The flat flower heads in both the white and yellow florets have a slightly unpleasant smell when rubbed. The Common Yarrow produces an essential oil in which different terpenes unfold (including pinene, sabinene, camphor, and bornyl). The oil causes choleretic ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


Yarrow (Common)
Yarrow (Common)
Yarrow (Common)
Yarrow (Common)


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