Northern House-martin

Scientific name : Delichon urbicum
Other names: Български: Градска лястовица , Brezhoneg: Gwennili-vein-do , Català: Oreneta cuablanca , Česky: Jiřička obecná , Dansk: Bysvale , Deutsch: Mehlschwalbe , Esperanto: Murhirundo , Español: Avión común , Eesti: Räästapääsuke , Basque: Enara azpizuri , Suomi: Räystäspääsky , Français: Hirondelle de fenêtre , Magyar: Molnárfecske , 日本語: イワツバメ , Lietuviškai: Langinė kregždė , Latviešu: Mājas čurkste , Nederlands: Huiszwaluw , Norsk (nynorsk): Taksvale , Norsk: Taksvale , Polski: Jaskółka oknówka , Português: Andorinha-dos-beirais , Русский: Городская ласточка , Svenska: Hussvala , Türkçe: Ev kırlangıcı , Українська: Ластівка міська

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Short Description

This bird is especially easy to identify because of its white rump, which no other European swallow has.


Northern House-martin
Manuela Jahn
Northern House-martin
Manuela Jahn
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Hans Gerd Heyer
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
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Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin
Northern House-martin


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