Alexandrine Parakeet

Scientific name : Psittacula eupatria
Other names: Català: Cotorra alexandrina , Dansk: Stor Alexanderparakit , Deutsch: Großer Alexandersittich , Español: Cotorra Alejandrina , Suomi: Isokauluskaija , Français: Perruche alexandre , Magyar: Nagy sándorpapagáj , Italiano: Parrocchetto alessandrino , 日本語: オオホンセイインコ , Latviešu: Aleksandras papagailis , Nederlands: Grote alexanderparkiet , Polski: Aleksandretta większa , Русский: Александров кольчатый попугай , Svenska: Alexanderparakit , Türkçe: İskender papağanı

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Short Description

The male birds have a neck band, black at the front and rose-colored at the back. It has a brown-red spot on the shoulders. The tail feathers are blue-green and have yellow tips. A striking feature is its red beak. ...


Alexandrine Parakeet
Alexandrine Parakeet
Alexandrine Parakeet
Alexandrine Parakeet
Alexandrine Parakeet
Alexandrine Parakeet
Alexandrine Parakeet
Alexandrine Parakeet
Alexandrine Parakeet
Alexandrine Parakeet
Alexandrine Parakeet
Alexandrine Parakeet
Alexandrine Parakeet


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