
Scientific name : Pseudotsuga menziesii
Other names: Česky: Douglaska tisolistá , Dansk: Grøn Douglasgran , Deutsch: Küsten-Douglasie , Esperanto: Menzies-pseŭdocugo , Español: Abeto de Douglas , Eesti: Harilik ebatsuuga , Basque: Douglas izei , Suomi: Lännendouglaskuusi, douglaskuusi <a rel="nofollow" class="external autonumber" href=" , Français: Pin d'Oregon , Hrvatski: Obična američka duglazija , Italiano: Abete di Douglas, Duglasia costiera , 日本語: ベイマツ , Lietuviškai: Didžioji pocūgė , Nederlands: Douglasspar , Polski: Daglezja zielona , Português: Doug Fir , Русский: Псевдотсуга Мензиса , Slovensky: Duglaska tisolistá , Slovenščina: Duglazija

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Short Description

Up to 50 m high wintergreen conifer with cone-shaped regular crown; branches stick out on younger specimens in regular pseudo-whorls that are arranged in tiers; Bark is smooth on younger specimens, dark to green-grey, with horizontal resin vesicas, with older ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer




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