Garden Angelica

Scientific name : Angelica archangelica
Other names: Česky: andělika lékařská, děhel lékařský , Deutsch: Arznei-Engelwurz , Eesti: Kikkaputk , Français: Angélique officinale , Magyar: Orvosi angyalgyökér, angyalgyökér , Lietuviškai: Vaistinė šventagaršvė , Latviešu: Dižzirdzene , Nederlands: Grote Engelwortel , Norsk (nynorsk): Kvann, Kvanne , Norsk: Kvann , Polski: Dzięgiel Litwor, Arcydzięgiel Litwor , Română: Angelică , Русский: Дягиль лекарственный, Дудник&nbsp, лекарственный , Svenska: Kvanne

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Short Description

The rootstock contains an essential oil with aromatic ingredients and bitter substances. Consuming large amounts of the oil produced by Angelica can be toxic. Externally, the oil can increase the sensitivity of the skin to UV light. Extracts from the ...
Author: Bruno P. Kremer


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